Professional Contour

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After finishing the post-graduation, DR.V. RAJU has worked in various Private Institution as Consultant Paediatrician

Worked as Asst. Professor, he was actively involved in both undergraduate and post graduate teaching. Attended emergencies, outpatient, inpatients and covered PICU. He was in charge of special clinics like Paediatric asthma clinic.

As a sole consultant in the hospital, he was able to handle the outpatient, inpatient and emergency services independently. Attended resuscitation calls and managed 4 bedded NICU care

As a Consultant Paediatrician & Registrar in Paediatric Cardiac Intensive Care unit (PICU)-Working as a consultant for 2 years there, he was actively involved in post-operative care of children with wide range of complex congenital heart defects.

As Consultant Paediatrician and Associate Professor, Department of Paediatrics.

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Possessing a empathic, patient-centered philosophy of care with practical clinical skills.